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About Us
Grow Wild YYC is owned and operated by Sara Jordan-McLachlan. Sara has a BSc in Zoology and MSc in Environmental Practice. She works and volunteers with a variety of biodiversity related projects in the city of Calgary including being a member of the BiodiverCity Advisory Committee for the City of Calgary, Conservation Analyst with the Miistakis Institute for the Rockies, a Naturalist with the Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society, a member of Bird Friendly Calgary and the Calgary Urban Species Response Team and most recently became a Butterfly Ranger for the David Suzuki Foundation.
When Sara and her husband moved into their new home 15 years ago, she knew she wanted a wildlife garden, she just didn't know how to do it. After discovering the native plant nursery, Wild About Flowers just South of Calgary, Sara was hooked and some might say borderline obsessed with using native plants to bring in the bugs and birds. Now she wants to use her education and experience to help others do the same. From providing basic information about native plants to helping create a garden design for specific wildlife, Sara can help guide you on your biodiversity friendly venture :)
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